Echium Vulgare – Viper’s Bugloss Seeds


Viper’s bugloss (Echium Vulgare) presents a striking appearance with its coarse, hairy foliage and tall stature. Typically found in grassland environments its main feature is a single, upright stem adorned with numerous spiraling clusters of blue violet flowers. Initially, these blooms emerge as delicate pink buds before unfurling into vibrant, trumpet-shaped blue blossoms. The flowering period spans from June through September.

Classified as a biennial plant, Viper’s Bugloss thrives in well-draining soil and ample sunlight. It predominantly colonizes open grasslands and areas with disturbed soil which contributes to successful establishment and its robust taproot enables it to flourish even in arid conditions, which makes it adaptable to clay soils. The plant’s pollination is facilitated by various “long-tongued” insects, such as bees, butterflies, and moths, making it a vital source of forage for numerous insects.

Buy native Viper’s Bugloss seeds for ornamental garden borders and meadow planting schemes.

Which wildflower mixtures contain native Viper’s Bugloss seeds?

You’ll find Viper’s Bugloss in our Wildflower Border Mix designed for naturalised planting schemes and also in our Wealden Heavy Clay Soils Mix. Pair this tall growing wildflower with other ornamental species suited to cottage garden and traditional border planting such as Cornflower, Common Knapweed, and Corncockle to create habitat and forage opportunities for pollinating insects.

Is Viper’s Bugloss good for pollinators?

Yes, it’s much loved by a range of pollinating insects, including Buff-tailed and Red-tailed Bumblebees, Large Skipper and Painted Lady butterflies, Honeybees, and Red Mason Bees.

What are the medicinal properties of Viper’s Bugloss?

Historically, Viper’s Bugloss has been employed as a traditional remedy for various ailments, primarily due to its purported diuretic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used in herbal preparations to treat respiratory issues such as coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. Additionally, it has been utilized topically for its potential wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects, with some cultures applying poultices made from the leaves or roots externally to alleviate swelling and promote healing.

How tall does Viper’s Bugloss grow?

Viper’s Bugloss (Echium Vulgare) typically grows to a height ranging from about 75 centimeters to 120 centimeters with a single, unbranched stem that bears clusters of flowers along its length. The height can vary depending on factors such as soil fertility, moisture levels, and available sunlight.

When should I sow native Viper’s Bugloss seeds?

Sow in well-drained soil in the spring or autumn. Scatter the seeds over the soil, press them lightly into the surface, and keep the area consistently moist until germination.

How long does it take for Viper’s Bugloss seeds to germinate?

Viper’s Bugloss seeds typically germinate within 14 to 21 days under optimal conditions, but germination may be sporadic, with some seeds germinating earlier than others. Read our recommendations for successful wildflower seed germination.

How should Viper’s Bugloss seeds be watered during germination and growth?

Water Viper’s Bugloss seeds lightly and consistently during germination to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Once established, they are drought-tolerant and require minimal watering.

Is Viper’s Bugloass invasive?

Viper’s Bugloss can spread easily in favourable growing conditions. While they are not considered invasive in all regions, it’s advisable to monitor their growth to prevent them from becoming too prolific.

How do I prune or deadhead Viper’s Bugloss to encourage more blooms?

To encourage more blooms on Viper’s Bugloss plants you can regularly deadhead spent flowers by cutting them off at their base using clean garden shears, which redirects the plant’s energy towards producing new blooms. This practice, done throughout the blooming season, helps maintain the plant’s vitality and prolong its flowering period.

Native Viper’s Bugloss seed fast facts:

Flowers: Viper’s bugloss produces vibrant blue trumpet-shaped flowers arranged in spiraling clusters along tall, unbranched stems.
Height: Viper’s bugloss typically grows to heights ranging from 30 inches to 48 inches, with exceptional specimens reaching up to 60 inches.
Sow: Viper’s bugloss seeds are best sown directly into well-drained soil in spring or fall, lightly covered with soil, and watered gently.
Lifecycle: Viper’s bugloss is a biennial plant, meaning it completes its life cycle in two years, germinating and growing in the first year, then flowering and setting seed in the second year before dying.
Best for: Viper’s bugloss is well-suited for wildflower gardens, xeriscaping projects, and pollinator habitats due to its drought tolerance, vibrant blooms, and attractiveness to bees and butterflies.
Also known as: blueweed, blue devil, and blue thistle due to its striking blue flowers and rough, spiky foliage.
Latin name: Echium vulgare.

Weight N/A

Seed Packet, 10g, 25g, 100g, 500g, 1kg


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