Bee Garden Wildflower Seed Collection


Support hungry pollinating bees at their busiest time of year by introducing these pollen-rich wildflowers into your garden borders and patio pots.

Treat these wildflowers like your favourite perennials and integrate them into your planting schemes to support nature and nurture your own wellbeing. The species in this collection are all beloved by bumblebees and will attract pollinating insects to your garden. Sow each species in swathes to fill gaps in garden borders, or propagate them in the green house or on your window sill and then plant them out exactly where you want them.

Consider providing a shallow water source within your wildflower planting to offer relief to thirsty bees during periods of hot weather.

This collection includes three individual packets of seeds containing the following native wildflower species.

Viper’s Bugloss – From clusters of fine, prickly leaves, the tall leafy stalks of viper’s-bugloss rise in early summer showcasing spikes of bell-shaped flowers in shades of violet-blue or purple. At full bloom, these flowers not only make a striking display but also attract numerous pollinators.

Oxeye Daisy – With their contrasting white and yellow flower heads, oxeye daisies make a grand floral statement in any planting scheme. A valuable food source for numerous species of wildlife, it is a caterpillar food plant, has nectar-rich flowers and provides seeds for birds late into autumn.

Common Poppy – Extremely popular with bumblebees, the solitary, scarlet blooms of the common poppy make striking companions to herbaceous perennials in ornamental borders. If gathered early in the morning, poppies make excellent cut-flowers.




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Bee Garden Wildflower Seed Collection
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