Wildflower Seeds & Seed Mixtures
Wildflowers For Garden Borders
Viper’s Bugloss Seeds – Echium Vulgare£5.00 – £570.00
Wild Carrot Seeds – Daucus Carota£5.00 – £165.00
Cornflower Seeds – Centaurea Cyanus£5.00 – £120.00
Cowslip Seeds – Primula Veris£5.00 – £28.00
Sainfoin Seeds – Onobrychis Viciifolia£5.00 – £25.00
Wild Red Clover Seeds – Trifolium Pratense£5.00
Oxeye Daisy Seeds – Leucanthemum Vulgare£5.00 – £225.00
Bird’s-Foot Trefoil Seeds – Lotus Corniculatus£5.00 – £68.00
Wildflower Seed Collections For Gardeners

Native British wildflower seeds, grown in Kent
For five generations, the Denne family, who own and run Kent Wildflower Seeds, have nurtured a deep connection with the landscapes of the Kent countryside. Diversifying their agricultural seed merchants into wildflower seed production in 2018, the family are walking a somewhat familiar route as for over 30 years from the 1940s their forebears ran three garden seed shops in Ashford, Canterbury and Deal.
Today the family harvest seed from established wildflower meadows and cultivated strips across Kent and the southeast and produce seed mixtures and collections designed to inspire inclusion of these productive and beautiful plants in garden planting schemes and outdoor spaces.

Easily integrate wildflowers into your existing planting schemes
Planting native wildflowers can provide habitats for pollinators such as bees and butterflies, and contribute to soil health and the biodiversity of life in your garden.
Your garden is an ecosystem. It’s a community of soil bacteria, plants, insects, small mammals and birds that work as a cohesive and balanced collective supporting life at every level. Feed it with the core elements it needs to thrive and watch as it repays you with an abundance of colourful blooms, visiting wildlife, and edibles to harvest.