Butterfly Food Plants Wildflower Seed Collection


Providing larval food plants early in the season and nectar-rich flowers throughout the summer, these garden-friendly wildflowers support less common butterfly species suffering from habitat loss, including the Wood White, Grizzled Skipper and Marsh Fritillary.

Treat these wildflowers like your favourite perennials and integrate them into your planting schemes to support nature and nurture your own wellbeing. Sow each species in swathes to fill gaps in garden borders, or propagate them in the green house or on your window sill and then plant them out exactly where you want them.

Consider providing a shallow water source within your wildflower planting to offer relief to thirsty bees during periods of hot weather.

This collection includes three individual packets of seeds containing the following native wildflower species.

Field Scabious – Growing on elongated, slender stems, the pin-cushion-shaped blooms of field scabious appear in delicate shades of lilac between July and October. Well-suited for herbaceous borders, its blossoms are highly favoured by both bees and butterflies and make beautiful cut flowers.

Agrimony – Peppering garden borders with clusters of star-shaped, yellow blooms which have a mild apricot fragrance, common agrimony is a valuable medicinal herb and also the larval food plant of the Grizzled Skipper butterfly.

Common Knapweed – The pink-purple flowers of common knapweed are made up of many tiny flowers with ragged bracts, borne on stems to a metre high above clumps of mid-green leaves. Rich in nectar and pollen they are beloved by bees, butterflies and moths and provide food for seed-feeding birds in autumn.





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Butterfly Food Plants Wildflower Seed Collection
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