Latin name: Papaver rhoeas
Flowers: May to August.
Height: 70cm to 100cm.
When to sow common poppy seeds: in spring for flowers later in summer.
Sow with: cornflower, oxeye daisy, common knapweed, and common sorrel.
Lifecycle: annual, forms a long-lived soil seed bank that will germinate when the surrounding soil is disturbed.
Soil requirement: Common poppies thrive on chalk, clay, loam, and sandy soils.
Natural habitat: arable fields, bare open ground, and gardens.
Also known as: corn poppy, Flanders poppy, or field poppy.
Did you know? It is critical to disturb the soil every autumn if you wish to encourage common poppies to re-establish from seed.
Are common poppies safe for animals? No. Ingestion of any part of the plant can result in opioid poisoning which can appear as extreme sedation or an excited/euphoric state.